Hello to family and friends and thank you for logging on to our blog. Please join us for our incredible journey to "Bring Sasha Home Forever." We have some big goals, but I know we can do it with the help of our family and friends. We need to raise approx. $25,000.00.
1. $5500.00-international agency fee
2. $830.00-immigration
3. $1000-dossier translation
4. $12,000.00-foreign fee for one child
5. $100-notory fees
6. $240.00-passports
7. $5000.00-travel expenses
Most importantly we need PRAYER!! Please keep us in your prayers daily, for guidance, support and provision.
Thank you in advance, we couldn't make this little boys dream of a forever family come true without you.
Beth, Mike, Justin and Luke


Please contact Beth and Mike direct to donate to:Bringing Sasha Home Forever

Friday, April 24, 2009

Much needed Update

Hi everyone, well there is so much to tell but to make things short our dossier is in Ukraine as we speak and we are preparing for travel within the next month. We are very excited. We were able to speak with Sasha on Monday morning and it was so great to hear his little voice. I will try to be more consistent with my Blog. so everyone will know whats going on. Thanks for supporting us. Love, Beth , Mike, Justin and Luke P.S Luke was in his first dog show yesterday, he did great. He showed our 10 year old Standard Poodle, Collins, at the national specialty show, it was very exciting and he won a 2nd place ribbon, he was so proud and said"I worked so hard for this"!!! I was very proud of him and his big brother Justin for being so supportive and putting up with a long ride to Maryland